Are Muslims Responsible For the Many Atrocities Terrorists Have Caused?

                                        Courtesy of

The issue of Islamophobia has increased lately. It has been a crucial topic in the 2016 election. More so because of recent terrorist attacks in both France and Belgium. Instead of looking at such issue as something unprecedented, more and more people view the issue as a religious problem when in reality its simply psychologically related. While I may sound sympathetic towards the perpetrators of such cruel acts, the simple truth though it may sound like a futile argument is that these guys are or experienced mental dysfunction. People are more likely to jump to conclusions and state that it all formulated from Islam. If such false statement was true, I grantee you that everyone in the world would be dead within our status quo, if Muslims were all bad. Islam is a religion of approximately about 1.5 billion people. With that large number of people the entire world could be wiped out from people of different religions. The reason why such scenario couldn't possibly take place is because not everyone who practice Islam including myself is terrifying and fear-mongering as those terrorists seen on television. I guarantee you if you sat down with a Muslim and got to know them and their religion, you'll see why me and others have chosen such peaceful and beautiful way of life. I am a person who loves people, especially those of different backgrounds. I wouldn't be who I am today without Islam, because I look up to Prophet Muhammad who advised us to care for one another and speak out again bad and evil.

But I'm sure at this point you're asking yourself if these terrorist aren't getting such hateful ideas from Islam then where is it originating. Well, if you look at the individual profile of the well-known terrorists we've heard from the media, you'll see that they have one thing in common; a troubled life! Almost all of them became radicalized during their teen years while others around their young adult years. Most of these men came into the world of radicalization, because they were experiencing dark times in their lives such as: poverty, single parents, divorce of mother and father, and most importantly not being recognized as their European or American peers. These are things that can lead to depression. So what do the young men do? They turn to violence in order to exhaust their anger, which makes it easy for people like Al-Bagdadi (the leader of ISIS) to recruit young children to the world of terrorism, claiming that it is the ultimate way to heaven or paradise. As you can see, the best way to eradicate terrorism is by taking action before a child is radicalized. This means that if a young men is facing depression see it as a mental issue and find help for him. Often times in the media when anyone of any other religion but Islam kills he is said to have a mental problem, but when it's a Muslim he is seen as a terrorist. This is imprecise! No one with a healthy mind would go out shooting people.

What upsets me the most is when the media expects us Muslims to condemn something someone else did just because he or she identified him or herself as a Muslim. Why should I condemn something horrific someone else committed! However when Muslims do condemn such act people claim it's not enough. Well what are people expecting, a hug and kiss from Muslims? I mean I see why terrorists attacks are abominable, but I will not condemn something I didn't do. I don't see Christians from all over the world condemning a murder a Christian man commits at a movie theater or a park. Not to mention it's always the Muslims that are labeled terrorist. A typical European guy can detonate a bomb at a store and just be consider a suspect not a terrorist. Ladies and gentlemen do we even know the definition of  terrorist? Let me define it in terms of clarification. Anyone who kills several people for political reasons is a terrorist.

I'm tired of others not sharing the accomplishments Muslims have done. For instance, the security guard in Paris at the stadium, who stopped a terrorist from detonating his bomb was a Muslim. The media never covered that last year. He saved thousands of lives including the life of Francois Hollande, the French president who was at the stadium that day back in November. Also, the media including social media goes crazy with the "Pray For" certain country hashtags, but thousands of Muslims have died in Syria, Kenya, Lebanon, and Libya due to terrorist attacks, but no one did the hashtags for peace for those countries. It's always European countries given solidarity. Ladies and gentlemen let's change and not blame 1.5 billion people for something a troubled kid did. Instead of believing everything the media says, do your own research. May God bless the world!

                           Please Watch this video to understand Islam thoroughly!


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