Is the Justice System Criminalizing Our Children?
Many educational reformers such as the ACLU ( American Civil Liberties Union ), the Advancement Project and Burns Institute state that oppressive school policies and restrictions have created a schoolhouse-to-jailhouse track for students. According to the Advancement Project, "the schoolhouse to jailhouse track is an education problem as much as it is a criminal justice problem. When students are pushed out of school through harsh disciplinary policies, their education is interrupted." The organization proceeds to say, "for many students, harsh discipline is part of a vicious cycle. Students who are already struggling are more prone to misbehavior out of frustration. When they do act out they are harshly punished, which in turn leads to further academic struggle and frustration. Stopping the schoolhouse to jailhouse track thus not only promises to treat our children humanely and keep them out of prison, it also promises to be a first step towards offering ever...