Mothers Against Gun Violence

Today I attended an annual community event called "Mothers Against Violence." It was started by a woman named Marna who lost her son due to gun violence ten years ago here in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. The purpose of the event was to get the people together to discuss the effects of violence and to talk about how to prevent this from ever happening again. As part of the event there was food and bounce house for the children. But the moment before the food was being served, I hear something that I wanted others to know. The woman who began this annual event came out from her house where the event was held after many hours of preparation for food. She and two other woman came out with a large banner which read in bold, Hall of Pain 2014 below it read all the African American males and females who died due to senseless violence this year. One of the lady who was holding the banner with Marna stated, "many of these names written here are students who I've taught. W...